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Children speech therapy

Pediatric Speech & Language

Our expert clinicians provide specialized care for children of all ages with a range of language disorders. We understand the importance of creating a comfortable and safe environment for your child to receive treatment. That's why we offer our services in the comfort of your own home, so your child can feel at ease and get the care they need to communicate effectively.


"A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior."

Speech therapy supports communication skills for those with:

Kids speech pathologist

Articulation disorders
Early intervention needs
Childhood apraxia of speech

Speech sound delays & disorders
Receptive & expressive language impairments


Other Benefits of Speech Therapy:

Improve strength and coordination for speech production


Increase speech clarity


Develop age-appropriate sounds and sound combinations


Increase confidence and motivation to communicate


Formulate words and/or signs for preferred people and things


Increase vocabulary and sentence length


Opportunity for practice within daily routines​

Evaluations & Therapy for Children of All Ages


An evaluation identifies the root cause of the challenges a child is facing. It is the why behind the what.


Evaluations typically take 1-1.5 hours and consist of a combination of standardized test measures, observation, conversation with parents, therapist-child interaction, and a speech-language sample.


Following the evaluation, we will review the results with the family. When therapy is recommended, we will develop a treatment plan that aligns with the family's preferences and goals.


First and foremost, we spend time developing trust with each client. Before an child is willing to try new things, they need to know they are safe and supported. Every session is responsive to the child, adjusting the environment and activities to optimize engagement and learning. 


In working with children, it is well documented they learn best in play. Therefore we combine evidence-based approaches with motivating and fun activities to foster growth.

Get Started Today

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© 2021 by Speech and Swallowing Specialists of KC.

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