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Home autism diagnostics clinic

Comprehensive Home
Autism Testing (Chat) 

Providing the answers you need today.

Don't wait any longer to get your child's autism diagnosis. In partnership with Speech & Swallowing Specialists of KC, Comprehensive Home Autism Team (CHAT) provides timely evaluations for your child, all without leaving home. Our physician-led team of experts is dedicated to providing the best possible care sooner so your child can flourish both inside and outside of the classroom.

Expert support in a safe space - home. 

Our unique team of specialists offers autism assessments in setting that is both comfortable and familiar or your child - at home. We believe that a non-familiar testing environment can be scary for children, and we want to ensure the most accurate results possible. Once we complete the evaluation and develop a treatment plan, your child can start therapy with our expert clinicians sooner.

Team Members


Lauren Hughes, MD, IBCLC

Co-Founder & Pediatrician Bloom Pediatrics and Lactation

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Jen Hurst, MS, CCC-SLP

Co-Founder & Lead Speech-Language Pathologist



Traci Tyler, MS, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist

Traci Tyler & Associates, LLC


Jodi VanGundy, MD


Bloom Pediatrics and Lactation


Jess Lafferty MS, BCBA, LBA-KS/MO

Board-Certified Behavior Analyst

Jess Lafferty, BCBA


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Elizabeth Barbeau, MS, CCC-SLP

Speech-Language Pathologist


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Kerry Schieber

Practice Manager


Comprehensive Home Autism Testing diagnostics

In Proud PartnershipWith


Pediatrics & Lactation

Contact Us

Fill out the form below or contact us directly. You can also click here to schedule your free consultation call!

© 2021 by Speech and Swallowing Specialists of KC.

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